About Us

Our online gift store started as a concept in 2018, it was during a routine hospital appointment where my sister was being treated for stage four cancer and I'd gifted her an amber bracelet to help her cope with side effects of the latest round of chemo. 

We discussed starting our own online gift store to help people in similar situations. That’s where we came up with the name ‘The Flower and Gift Yard’. Flowers because my sister loved flowers, gifts because we love giving and receiving gifts, yard because each letter represents each of our four children. 

Sadly, my sister left us in 2020 after 6 years of fighting, aged 42 leaving behind her two children. In the midst of my grief, I wanted to do something to remember her in a joyful way, so The Flower and Gift Yard was born.

“Grief can destroy you –or focus you.” ~ Dean Koontz

This online gift store is designed to to help people in similar situations to myself. Whether it's a birthday, an anniversary or to help someone grieving the loss of a loved one, you'll find a range of meaningful gifts for your loved ones. I've also written a blog, feel free to read through for some gift inspiration.

Along this incredible journey, I’m learning so much about personal growth and it starts by learning to love yourself first, so my advice would be “love yourself first, then you can love others”.

Start by treating yourself to a well deserved gift. 

